For years church leaders have had little training or help in ministering to the men and women of our congregations who have been imprisoned by sexual addiction. Now we offer seminars on sexual addictions to help churches and family deal with this issue. For too long resources have simply not been available to give competent professional support to our members who so badly need help. Praise be to God, the situation is now changing. We offer training for churches in Searcy, AR by our trained licensed professional counselor.
A number of Christian counselors, each a part of Re-Group Counseling who are licensed professional counselors and Certified Sexual Addiction Counselors (CSATs), have teamed up to facilitate seminars on sexual addictions, weekend and therapy intensives for those struggling with sexual integrity.
Weekend therapy intensives generally begin on Friday evening and continue through Sunday noon. They provide over 20 hours of therapy with our licensed professional counselor, and by capitalizing on focus and momentum provide participants about a year of progress when compared to only attending weekly sessions. It is a great way to jump start the healing process and the monetary savings in attending an intensive is very helpful.
In addition to the intensive, a comprehensive aftercare plan will be provided each participant with:
- Continued group support
- Optional weekly individual or marital therapy from a Christian licensed professional counselor.
Ryan Butterfield and Jim Galyan, founders of Re-Group Counseling, led individual and group therapy intensives as Clinical Directors of a nearby in-house treatment facility for a number of years. They continue to bring their experience and expertise in helping others through their private practice, and in training for churches and congregations who are in desperate need of healing and rebuilding.
They are also excellent resources for church leaders who need direction in providing real help for those in their churches who are struggling with this addiction. In addition, they are able to provide direction and support training for churches that want to begin an addiction program in their church or join other programs in the area.
Future intensives will be designed for female spouses hurt by their husband’s sexual acting out, as well as marital intensives for rebuilding the trust and marriage bond broken by sexual issues. One of our licensed professional counselors will be there to help.
Look below the pictures or download our printable flyer that describes these intensives.

Ryan Butterfield
Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist
Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist
M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy

Jim Galyan
Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist
Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist
M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy